Our Foundations Podcast
Peace Revolution- The most comprehensive look at how the world really works
Grand Theft World- Assessing current events with historical context in long form episodes
Econtalk- in-depth interviews on economic topics
Tom Woods Show- Libertarian views on modern topics
Bob Murphy Show- Libertarian views on modern topics
Free Man Beyond the Wall- typically the anti-statist/ anarchist perspective on topics (NSFW)
Mises Institute- greatest resource on Austrian Economics
Media Monarchy- daily news from a truly alternative perspective
Corbett Report- current events from a skeptical perspective
AnarchoChristian Podcast- topics related to a Christian Anarchist view
Christian Libertarian Institute- just what it sounds like
The Symbolic World- finding the symbolism and grand themes through everything from movies to celebrities to the Bible
The Lord of Spirits Podcast- delving deep into the spiritual realm; angels, demons, giants, and more
The World and Everything In It- world news coverage with mostly important and useful content
Marketplace- news from a market perspective
Peter Schiff Podcast- investing podcast from a contrarian view
Demography Unplugged- the intersection of demography, sociology, investing, and current events
Philosophize this- all things philosophy; history, theories, schools of thought, & philosophers
Wittenberg to Westphalia- history of the middle ages, the reformation, and the following wars of religion
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History- history with long in-depth episodes
The Dangerous History Podcast- history with content and perspectives that aren't commonly covered
HI101- historical topics and events with a conversational tone
Church History- detailed history of the church throughout history with heavy focus on historical politics
Epicenter- interviews from the blockchain space
Unchained- interview style on blockchain/ crypto by Laura Shin
Unconfirmed- interview style on blockchain/ crypto by Laura Shin
Crypto Basic- three guys talking crypto on an approachable level
The Bible
Creating Innovators- Tony Wagner
Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education- Sir Ken Robinson
Baby Teacher- Nurturing Neural Networks From Birth to Age Five- Rebecca Shore
Wealth of Nations- Adam Smith
Economics in One Lesson- Henry Hazlitt
Two Treatises of Government- John Locke
Road to Serfdom- Friedrich Hayek
Liberalism- Ludwig von Mises
The Law- Frederic Bastiat
The Politics of Obedience by Étienne de La Boétie
Tragedy and Hope 101- Joseph Plummer
Dumbing Us Down- John Taylor Gatto
The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History- Tom Woods
Human Action- Ludwig von Mises
Liberty, Dicta, and Force- Louise E. Carabini
Busting Myths About the State and the Libertarian Alternative- Zach Roffer
Old Right- Murray Rothbard
Man, Economy, and State- Murray Rothbard
Anatomy of the State- Murray Rothbard
The Private Production of Defense- Hans Hoppe
A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism- Hans Hoppe
Free Private Cities- Titus Gebel
Republic- Plato
Weapons of Mass Instruction- John Taylor Gatto
10 Books That Screwed Up the World- Benjamin Wiker
Anarchy, State, and Utopia- Robert Nozick
What Great Teachers Do Differently- Todd Whitaker
My Religion- Leo Tolstoy
Various Essays- C. S. Lewis
The Cost of Discipleship- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Life Together- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Technocracy- William Henry Smyth
Propaganda- Edward Bernays
1984- George Orwell
Brave New World- Aldous Huxley
This Perfect Day- Ira Levin
Anarchy and Christianity- Jacques Ellul
On Civil Government- David Lipscomb
Christian Anarchy: Jesus' Primacy Over the Powers- Vernard Eller
New Libertarian Manifesto- Samuel Edward Konkin III
The Language of Creation: Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis- Matthieu Pageau
Render Unto Caesar- Vin Armani
Technopoly- Neil Postman
Technological Slavery- Theodore Kaczynski
Plato- philosophy and political theory
Marcus Aureleus- philosophy and political theory
John Locke- political theory
Frederic Bastiat- political theory
Ludwig von Mises- Austrian economics
F. A. Hayek- Austrian economics
Murray Rothbard- anti-state perspective
Tom Woods- historian
Ayn Rand- libertarian fiction and political theory
George Orwell- fiction that describes reality
Dan Simmons- Sci-fi
Frank Herbert- Sci-fi
Isaac Assimov- Sci-fi
Peter Hamilton- Sci-fi
Alastair Reynolds- Sci-fi
Tolstoy- Classic lit. and theology
C. S. Lewis- Fantasy and apologetics
Dietrich Bonhoeffer- Christianity
My Early Medium Writings: